
PERILOUS TRAILS: JACK’S ADVENTURE BEGINS to be Released by Wise Wolf Books on August 20

Written in the mold of Louis L’Amour, Owen Wister, and Zane Grey, the first book of my young adult western series, The Frontier Chronicles, is scheduled for release by Wise Wolf Books on August 20. Perilous Trails: Jack’s Adventure Begins is  about boys becoming men within the intersection of faith and culture. Fifteen-year-old Jack O’Toole’s Texas homestead on the dangerous Comancheria of 1855 is attacked by Comanches. His parents and a brother and sister are killed, but another brother and a sister are taken captive. Jack ventures into the frontier carrying anger and vengeance as well as the guilt of having survived while most of his family perished. He is determined to save his siblings. To survive, Jack depends on his faith and what limited knowledge he has of living off the land. He encounters and instinctively saves the life of the Comanche youth Wild Horse from a mountain lion attack, thus creating a life debt. Jack struggles with his lingering anger and vengeance as juxtaposed against what he’s been taught about forgiveness and mercy. A Black cowboy encounters the boys and friendship develops. The boys take on dangerous adventures and discover that those who won’t stand up for themselves and face life challenges become men who won’t stand up to anything. Will Jack and Wild Horse learn that the truth does set you free? Will Jack’s faith take root in Wild Horse’s Comanche soul?

Stay tuned for release of the second and third novels in the series in September and October.


I am excited to announce that I have signed on with Wolfpack Publishing and Wise Wolf Books. We are teamed to bring a brand of western fiction aimed at entertaining and educating while immersing readers in the action, grit, and romance of America’s western frontier. Wolfpack will take on republishing my existing six Tumbleweed Sagas while extending the series with further epic tales of Texas Ranger Luke Dunn. Wise Wolf Books will publish my new young adult series set at the intersection of faith and culture, as teen Jack O’Toole meets the challenges of surviving on the American frontier of the 1850s.



Tumbleweed offers contract editing services and beta reading services to book authors.  We are committed to helping author books achieve their full potential.  In addition to having six western genre novels, an anthology of short stories and verses, a teen novel, poetry chapbook, and a biography published, I offer authors the benefit of my more than 40 years of experience in writing and editing across multiple genres and forms of writing.  As editor-in-residence, I can assure authors that, “The Chicago Manual of Style has long been my trusty ‘editing bible’ of choice.”  I hold a BA in English from University of Maryland in addition to an MBA in marketing from The American University.  Tumbleweed’s editorial services include the traditional range of full copy editing, including identification of inconsistencies and advice as to style and content.  Additionally, Tumbleweed is pleased to offer beta reading services to afford authors an initial independent perspective on their work.  We are also pleased to recommend Armadillo Proofreading for proofreading and formatting services.  Contact us via www.Tumbleweed.me for pricing and for further information about Tumbleweed’s editing and beta reading services.

Back Story

 Who is Tumbleweed?

As I tell it, my dear cousin Jim Holmgreen took note of my tendency to randomly travel about from one destination to another during my frequent visits to Texas.  So, Jim nicknamed me “Tumbleweed.”  I rather took to it.

I came up with the idea for a blog to post mostly about the west, its history, and my writings and videos.  I already had experience with a since discontinued  life-advice blog.  So in addition to a place to host videos about my books, I needed a blog name that would expand on random thoughts, topics, and stories about life in general.  Tumbleweed seemed ideal, and so it goes.  It rolls along, but it can be thorny.

By way of further introduction, I’m a retired business executive, entrepreneur, private equity investor, educator, and community supporter that turned to a new career authoring western genre fiction.  I am a member of Western Writers of America and the Wild West History Association belong to a handful of state and local book writing and poetry groups.  I hold a BA and MBA, but those really don’t matter all that much in the scheme of things.

Tumbleweed Talks Videos

I strive to deliver compelling “Tumbleweed Talks” videos via YouTube, as I seek to become a leading voice for subscribers to achieve personal significance by crafting messages of finding meaning in life, establishing a relationship with God, and rising above everyday life challenges through parallels with the taming of the American west.  Of course, the themes within my Tumbleweed Sagas novels, beginning with Nueces Justice, also appear in brief videos.  My videos are also posted to my Facebook page at Tumbleweed Sagas.


Tumbleweed YouTube Video Index

See the new TUMBLEWEED TALKS VIDEO INDEX in the website NavBar.